Apr 19, 2013


Some motherfuckers tried to access my email. Fuck you, their bums.
Bums who have nothing to do. Motherfuckers.
You failed
, their suckers.
Think will
have some important password? Stupids. FUCK YOU!!!!



Rosalina x Girl said...

Mwahahahaha, my email account was hacked too but it wasn't difficult to recover it... That's nice you noticed it before something bah happen but in fact how you can know than people "tried" to access to your email?

Christopher said...

Some e-mail systems have 'access logs' where you can find out who tried to access your e-mail and from what IP address.

It's a GODSEND if you are someone who has controversial viewpoints on a subject, who is a target for kooks.

HD2 - HOTDESIGNS2 said...

Christopher, Yes, I saw the country and IP of who tried. They are people of Europe.Are miserable bastards.

Rosalina, Google warned me from the trying. Already changed the password.

Thanks for the comment, friends.

TraucolĂ­n said...

When someone can't debate your ideas then will try to hack you, happens a lot, I'm glad you block their asses.