Sep 28, 2011

Ann Goldess - Commission

Ann Goldess is an original character of Patrick Tisinrei.
Commission for::icontisinrei:

Sep 13, 2011

Who is Bieber?

Another test with a realistic style. Colors? No chance! Remember: She has 19 years of age.

* Vale lembrar que ela tem 19 anos e não é menor de idade. Fonte: Wikipedia.

Sep 12, 2011

Maxine - Commission

Commission done ​​a few months ago, but I forgot completely of her, and i am sending now. It is a lighter work, but I would paste in my gallery HF.
Ps: I do not remember the name of the client.

Sep 8, 2011

I want your sex-u-al-ity

"I see you What you wanna do..." WHAT?!! No, I'm not fan of it ... not is my style of song, but she is very, very beautiful. My painting style is not good in this style of design,so, i left black and white.
# Remember: She has 23 years of age.

Sep 6, 2011


You do not know who Kim Kardashian? Search in Google. You know who is Kim Kardashian? Have you seen the video? Very good. She really knows what to do .... Before anyone says, I know she is not movie star...but is always on TV, so then I decided to put the logo from Hollywood.

Sep 4, 2011

Hey Harry, I grew

yes, she grew up .. Who is she? Well, you say, because then I will be knowing that she was similar. I also say I'm not good in that style ...I'm risking. Made 100% in the Tablet. Remember guys, she has 21 years of age.

"Antes que falem que ela é menor, ela tem 21 anos de idade, sendo maior de idade. O Cabelo indica que ela foi feita justamente na sua fase adulta."